Title: /2V/V_Oxidation/V2_O2/TS_O2_Singlet/Freq Freq
Browse item: https://iochem-bd.iciq.es:443/browse/handle/100/6059
Program: ADF 2016
Author: González Fabra, Joan
Formula: C 42 H 26 Cl 12 N 2 O 10 V 2
Calculation type: Single point (Solvation)
Method(s): DFT ( PBEc PBEx )
PW92 == Not Default ==
Core Treatment : Frozen Orbital(s)
Temperature 298.150000 K
Pressure 1.000000 atm


Atomic coordinates [Å]



Solvation input

Division Level for Surface Triangles (NDIV) 3
Final Division Level for Triangles (NFDIV) 1
Radius of the Solvent (RSOL) 1.93000
Minimum Radius for new sphere (RMINSOLV) 0.50000
Overlapping Factor (OFAC) 0.80000
Dielectric Constant (EPSL) 78.39000
COSMO equation is solved iteratively- conjugate-gradient
Maximun of Iterations for Charges (NCIX) 1000
Criterion for Charge convergence (CCNV) 1.0E-08
Geometry-dependent empirical factor 0.00000

JOB | SCF Converged

Bonding Energy (Summary)

Type Value Units
Electrostatic Energy -571.6034 eV
Kinetic Energy 538.9073 eV
Coulomb (Steric+OrbInt) Energy -2.8636 eV
XC Energy -564.9888 eV
Solvation -1.3949 eV
Dispersion Energy -3.4267 eV
Total Bonding Energy -605.3701 eV

Fit Test

Fit test: (difference of exact and fit density, squared integrated, result summed over spins)
Sum-of-Fragments: 0.00000000018359
Orthogonalized Fragments: 0.00003191112439
SCF: 0.00003416830508

MOs / SFO gross populations

AllHomo/Lumo range:

Mulliken Atomic Charges

Multipole Derived Atomic Charges

Multipole Derived Atomic Charges (a.u.)

Multipole molecular moments

Quadrupole moment

-143.88833343 -11.85517234 -13.04358161 141.67152890 -8.51216858 2.21680452

Vibrational Frequencies and Intensities

IR spectrum

Selected frequency :

Zero Point Energy

Zero-point 15.995843 eV


Temp Transl Rotat Vibrat Total
298.15 Entropy (cal.mol-1.K-1): 47.222 41.659 235.649 324.530
Internal Energy (kcal.mol-1): 0.889 0.889 405.160 406.937
Constant Volume Heat Capacity (cal.mol-1.K-1): 2.981 2.981 231.733 237.694
G (kJ.mol-1 // kcal.mol-1) -57109.1 // -13649.4

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